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UMC Sitecore


UMC (United Methodist Church) is a mainline Protestant denomination body consisting of 400+ churches & has a global presence with 12 million+ members around the globe. UMC has 3 main websites. One with demonstrates overview of UMC as a governing body (, Second which is primarily for the leaders of the UMC for helping them to govern their churches, getting most relevant content related to their churches & helping them to connect their local churches with outside world by leveraging technology (, and third which is the news wing of the UMC body. It deals with various news related to all the churches which are under the UMC all around the world(

ekSource as Technology Partner is involved in developing & maintaining these three websites which are developed in Sitecore CMS (V9.0.1) with Microsoft .NET Platform. These websites are hosted on the on-prem environments. 


Business Challenge

  • The main challenge was developing a solution which will consider an enormous amount of content UMC has which includes articles & Media (mostly images but also few PDFs & Docs).
  • Another challenge was to make sure this huge content must be searchable for content editors inside the CMS dashboard quickly & efficiently for editing & publishing.
  • These articles should also be associated with specific taxonomies (tags & categories) specified by content authors.


  • Sitecore CMS offers user friendly UI for content authors to create & manage their content.
  • Completely configurable, customizable.
  • Easily integrable with third party services (such as Marketo).
  • Easy to locate the content with the help of Sitecore’s internal search which is powered by Solr (search service/engine developed in Java)
  • Taxonomies are easily configured & can be associated with the content (categories / Tags).
  • Workflows can be configured to make sure the content is publishable on the live site only after it has been reviewed.


  • Content authors have the complete flexibility on where they want to keep the specific component on the section of the page.
  • At any point in time, the configurations of one component can be altered without impacting any other component.
  • Content authors can preview their content prior to publishing to the live site.
  • In the future, the Headless approach can be adapted if we want to leverage emerging technologies for the front end (NextJS, ReactJS, .NET Core etc.)